About this workshop

Welcome to the first workshop!

This workshop brought to you by Society of Bioinformatic, will show you how to make a basic website, and host it onto VCU publishing nextwork (called "People")

This will be a gentle introduction to making a personal website, so you don't have to worry if you've never used HTML before.

You can modify the website however you want to create your own portfolio (check mine out here). It will help set you aside from other candidates.

I hope everyone will enjoy this workshop, and please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any question. Thank you for attending today!



- AnyConnect Client-RamVPNs (included in the Packages below) to connect to the VCU network, you can skip this installation if you are accessing the internet on campus.

- FileZilla (included in the Packages below) to transfer our files to VCU nextwork.

Download Packages:

Helpful Links:

- Manual - Upload and view VCU People webpages

- AnyConnect Client-RamVPNs setup

- FileZilla setup

- Template Site

- Finish Site

© 2020 KV92